Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trust Leads To A More Productive Team - Business Insider

Don Peppers


Today's advice comes from?Don Peppers, founding partner of Peppers & Rogers Group at TeleTech via?LinkedIn.

"If you want your company to be successful, you need to cultivate a culture of trust, which will encourage your employees to work better with each other and to enjoy doing it. The general level of trust within your firm is directly connected to your firm's productivity and competitive success."

Peppers says that employees are encouraged to engage in a culture of trust when they're given work to do independently. Furthermore, management should make it a point to be more open and transparent when discussing the decision-making process with the rest of their team.

"It's certainly possible that a company with highly engaged employees is more likely to improve its organizational trust, but an alternate explanation might be that an organization with high trust is more likely to engage its employees."

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