Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Most Evil Species in Gaming | Video Game Reviews - SpotGames

Gaming, a medium built m??t ?ft?n upon conflict, ?? full ?f evil. If w? define evil ?? unnecessary suffering inflicted ?n undeserving victims, th?n w? ??n find dozens ?f culprits brimming w?th ?t.

Wh?l? ??rt??n species enter a gray area ?f morality, motivation, ?nd th??r ?wn sense ?f victimhood, ??m? species remain ?h?n?ng beacons ?f pure, unarguable evil. Here ?r? th? m??t evil species ?n gaming, ?t l???t wh?n ?t comes t? crimes against humanity.

f6015 the most evil species in gaming 20120208113835380 The Most Evil Species in Gaming

Call th?m misunderstood, point out th?t th??r Queen looks human, b?t th? Locust Horde ?? evil t? th? core. Th???ll never ?t?? trying t? curb stomp humanity out ?f existence (well, ?n theory ? I won?t g?t ?nt? th? specifics ?f Gears ?f War 3). Y???d b? hard pressed t? find anyone n?t willing t? chainsaw a locust ?n th? face. Sure, th?? h?d th??r ?wn struggle against th? Lambent, b?t ?n? species willing t? sink human civilizations using a giant worm automatically m?k?? th?? evil breakdown.

Evilness: 75%

f6015 the most evil species in gaming 20120208113835624 The Most Evil Species in Gaming

World ?f Warcraft ?? full ?f evil species, ?? ?t?s hard t? settle ?n ???t one. Orcs toe th? line, b?t th?? h??? th??r ?wn motives. Y?? m?? never h??? heard ?f th? Annihilan Pit Lords fr?m World ?f Warcraft, b?t th??r history, appearance, ?nd actions rocket th?m t? th? top ?f th? evil list. W?th giant double-edged swords, hybrid dragon-demon bodies, ?nd rows ?f nasty teeth, Annihilan aren?t a species ??? want t? r?n ?nt? ?n a d?rk alley. A? a ??rt ?f Th? Burning Legion, th?? ???t want t? see th??r enemies suffer, ?nd th?t means ???.

Evilness: 90%

f6015 the most evil species in gaming 20120208113834298 The Most Evil Species in Gaming

Th? Reapers ?f Mass Effect, through th??r control ?f ?th?r species ?nd th??r actions themselves, ??rt??nl? deserve a spot amongst th? m??t despicable creatures ?n gaming. W?th th? h?l? ?f th? Collectors, Geth, ?nd ??m? misled ?th?r species, th? Reapers want t? d??tr?? ?ll life ?n th? universe, ??? know, everything. Mass Effect 3 m?? write th? final chapter ?n th?? species? history, b?t w? won?t know until next month.

Evilness: 95%

f6015 the most evil species in gaming 20120208113834597 The Most Evil Species in Gaming

Y?? m?? h??? ?n immediate suggestion f?r a situation wh?r? dragons aren?t ?n evil, destructive species, b?t th?r? ?r? more b?d examples th?n g??d. Going back t? th? days ?f NES, th?t mechanical dragon fr?m Mega Man 2 spawns b?d dreams ?f falling ?ff ??t another t?n? platform. Th?n Th? Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continued portraying th??? brutes ?? d?ng?r??? villains ?f th? skies. Dragon Age m?d? ?n entire franchise based ?n th? concept ?f th??? evildoers, w?th both normal dragons ?nd ??m? ranked up t? Archdemons. Evil, I ???!

Evilness: 60%

f6015 the most evil species in gaming 20120208113834844 The Most Evil Species in Gaming

Wh?l? Th? Covenant m??t ?ft?n represent th? gr??t evils ?f th? Halo universe, th???re actually trumped b? th? parasitic Flood. N?t ?nl? d??? th? Flood desire t? k?ll ?n? ?nd ?ll sentient life, th? Forerunners actually wiped themselves out many thousands ?f years before th? Halo ?t?r? b?g?n ?n order t? (unsuccessfully) d??tr?? Th? Flood. Th?? evil species ?h?w?d th??r ?gl? faces ?n Halo, Halo 2, ?nd Halo 3. Th?? fall w??ll learn ?f th?? ?h?w up once again ?n Halo 4.

Evilness: 80%


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