Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Video: Second-guessing Ryan

>>> while campaigning in virginia today, vice president joe biden took aim at paul ryan 's record in another attempt to link the republican's controversial budget to mitt romney .

>> congressman ryan has now given definition to governor romney 's vague commitments that he's been making in the last wree year. congressman ryan and the congressional republicans, as one person said, have already done what governor romney is promising he'll do for the nation. it's almost like running against an incumbent.

>> that's bringing our news nation political panel. executive director of volto latina, maria teresa kuma. adolfo franco. ado adolfo , is the republican candidate the ideal man to go out in many key states when obama is in the lead?

>> absolutely. he's the best candidate i can think of. he's a candidate about reducing the deficit and about free enterprising, creating jobs. boy, i'd like to have a show, since the democrats don't want to talk about barack obama 's record. i'd love to talk about it. a record of 42 months of consecutive unemployment above 8%, gasoline prices at record highs, killing the keystone project which is going to make gas higher. his own secretary of energy talked about $10 a gallon is desirable. a fellow that's pose thed the biggest tax increase in history. lastly and most importantly, he's the guy that cut $700 billion out of medicare . he's the candidate --

>> let me go back to the question that i posed to you. do you think a gentleman who has as part of his curriculum vitae a budget proposal that would include massively changing medicare and social security , do you think that's a good move when you are talking about states like florida , which many consider a key state to win if you're going to get to the white house ?

>> jose, let me answer the question very directly.

>> please.

>> absolutely he's the right candidate. paul ryan has said all along that no one 55 or older would be affected. so no senior is going to worry about the current program. however, he is concerned about reforming something that bipartisan commissions have said, including the president's own commission, is unsustainable for the future. so he's talking about preserving the program that's going to go bust. he wants to avoid greece or spain, the crisis countries in europe.

>> we're talking about florida . not the countries in spain.

>> florida voters have to know this. this is a person who is committed to the current program. there is nothing --

>> adolfo , let me bring you in in a minute. nia maliki, a lot of republicans, not democrats, republicans have been suggesting maybe paul ryan is not the ideal candidate for mitt romney . what are you hearing?

>> that's right. i think publicly, they're very bullish on paul ryan . i think privately they have some concerns. i just met actually with a top republican who expressed those concerns. who said she's worried about, for instance, going into the debates, how paul ryan will shape up against biden. how he will shape up just over the next 12 weeks in terms of the intense glare that he will get, that his family will get over these next 12 weeks leading up until november. and they're also concerned about now all of a sudden people are talking about medicare . they had thought this was going to be a referendum just solely on obama . a campaign that they could talk about this unemployment rate of 8.3% and 42 weeks over 8%. all of a sudden you're talking about medicare . paul ryan , of course, will go into florida this week and talk about medicare . you've seen the obama campaign obviously be very aggressive in trying to tag him as someone who would end medicare as we know it. there's some frustration on the part of republicans that the campaign, the romney campaign, hasn't been aggressive enough in terms of defining what they would do with medicare .

>> interesting. words do matter. i want to put up on the screen some of the directives on medicare messages. they're told not to use entitlement reform, privatation, or every option is on the table. to use more safe words like strengthen, secure, save, preserve. is that a reflection, nia, of usual concerns or usual growing pains?

>> there is real concern. this obviously was announced on saturday. you've seen paul ryan , obviously, out there. mitt romney as well. they have been talking about medicare . you saw paul ryan out there in iowa where he was confronted with people who had concerns about medicare . so it's a real challenge for this party. the first rule, i think, when you want to pick a vice president, you to no harm. there are concerns among republicans paul ryan adds some baggage to this campaign that has had a difficult summer.

>> maria teresa , i want to bring you in. you're so keyed in and in touch with the young people and the need for them to get involved and to vote. does the fact that ryan , you know, he's a young guy, you think that will play in anything as far as, you know, getting people jazzed up?

>> i think, i mean, the fact that he's young and has a young family i think is appealing. when you start looking at what all of the sudden is at play, the romney campaign wanted this to be a referendum on job. because he chose someone like ryan all of the sudden you have the senior citizen vote up for play that you didn't have. folks may forget, but if you recall obama lost the senior vote in 2008 . it's all of the sudden up in play when you look at states such as florida , arizona. all the southwest where you have large retirement communities. that's probably the worst possible position. now instead of making it a referendum on jobs it's all a referendum on medicare and entitlement programs , social security . also unfortunately doesn't impact a lot of young people because they start scratching their heads saying, hey, are these type of entitlement programs that were affected for my parents, are they going to be there for me?

>> let's see how they fine tune their message coming out of the convention. attack ads. both team romney and obama are out with new negative ads ironically criticizing the other over attack ads they say are false.

>> shocking.

>> take a look at these.

>> if you had president obama 's record, what would you do? would you joke?

>> shovel ready was not as novel ready as we expected.

>> deny reality.

>> we tried it and it worked.

>> shameful, dishonest attacks. with no record to run on it's the only strategy obama has left.

>> let's talk about what it takes to get america working again.

>> president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform .

>> politifact gives us the rating of pants on fire, really, really false.

>> mr. president, take your campaign out of the gutter.

>> adolfo franco, is the campaign in the gutter for both democrats and republicans.

>> i think you can always expect hard ads in any campaign. the fact is when you're an incumbent, you have a record. i think frankly the romney ads as demonstrated here are talking about the president's own words. he's the president that said you didn't build that if you had a small business . he's the president -- i want to clarify this for this program, jose. he's the only guy that's ever cut medicare by $700 billion through his obamacare program.

>> the affordable health care act is going to take care of that.

>> well, yeah, right. it's going to take care of it.

>> ryan 's plan also cuts.

>> i think the ads on the romney side are accurate. i really do. i don't -- i think it's a political season. it's going to be hardball.


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