Sunday, May 22, 2011

Everyday Manifesting ? Manifesting Your Desires! - Review - HotReviews

Everyday Manifesting - Manifesting Your Desires!How will your life change as you find out about the true nature of our universe, and how it responds to the desires of your heart?

Right now you are investing a few minutes of your time. Make the choice now to also invest a few dollars in dramatically changing your life!

There are People who make things happen. There are People who watch things happen. Then there are People who wonder what happened!

Make positive things happen for you today! Life favors those who are bold, who take positive action.

This book is for you who believe that the Universe has a purpose, and that You have a purpose, and want to Achieve and Manifest your purpose in life.

Did you know that most people are after the same things out of life? I?ll bet I can tell you the things you are looking for in life. Think of ten things you currently are desiring. Go ahead and write them down on a scrap of paper.

When you scroll down the page, you will be able to compare your items to a list of common desires created by Christopher Westra.

The better our abilities at creating reality, the better we are able to learn, solve problems, create abundance, build joyful relationships, and help others.

You need a holistic understanding of creating consciously ?by someone who is experiencing it, and understands your desires.

OK, you?ve written down the ten items you are wanting right now. Compare your ten items to the list below and see if your desires don?t fall into these categories.

Did I hit them all? Learning to Create Consciously can help you to manifest what you want in all these areas, and any others you have!

Free Bonus Book ? The Science of Getting Rich. This book truly changed my life by helping me understand how we manifest things into our lives and why we should strive to do so!

Yes, you get this book absolutely free with the purchase of Everyday Manifesting ? a downloadable version of this incredible success classic, AND an AUDIO version you can listen to as well!

Millions of people are learning to focus their energy and thoughts, thus achieving more in life than they ever thought possible.

There are more opportunities than ever before in history to use your resources to create worldwide as well as personal improvement.

As more and more people join forces to shape their environment, we can begin to alter much more than personal reality. We can change social reality! Decide to begin now.

If you want to learn how to consistently gain the energy, focus, and vitality to achieve your dreams, then you need the information in this book!

Everyday Manifesting ? Finding Joy Through Creating Consciously (including bonuses below) in PDF (Adobe) format.

The book and the bonuses are available with one easy download. You will be taken directly to the download page after purchase, and given simple instructions.

If you have any trouble at all with the download process, I will make sure you get access to your book.

Wanting a more abundant life is perfectly normal. In fact, an abundance is essential for fulfilling your purpose in life. You wouldn?t be reading this unless you want more from life than you currently have. Give yourself the freedom to explore every aspect of the wonderful being that is YOU

Creating Consciously is the most important skill you can learn. We have been given this creation ability by the Creator, and most people don?t even know how to use it.

Everyday Manifesting: Finding Joy through Creating Consciously along with some extra bonuses for acting now.

This book (with the following bonuses) will be priced at $49 but if you respond right away, you pay only the introductory price of $28.19

I know that Creating Consciously has helped me create what I want in life. I want to include these bonuses to give you every possible reason to add these books to your collection today!

FREE BONUS #1- The Science of Getting Rich: Rediscover the original version of Wallace D. Wattles? 1910 classic, ?The Science of Getting Rich? ? the forerunner of every personal finance and self-help book written since. ?The Science of Getting Rich? is a practical, down-to-earth guide that has shown generations of readers the way to riches and fulfillment in life. You will receive this powerful book (a $19.95 value), free with your purchase of Everyday Manifesting.

FREE BONUS #3- Audio version of the report "12 Ways to Consciously Create The Life You Want: When you purchase Everyday Manifesting ? Finding Joy through Creating Consciously, you?ll receive the free audio (MP3) version of this popular report co-authored by Christopher Westra. You can download this audio to your MP3 player or burn it to a cd. Have these tips available and listen while you drive!

FREE Bonus #4 Guaranteed Success Thinking: This power packed 27 page PDF booklet by Jim Edwards teaches you the true nature of your thoughts and how to increase your confidence and belief in your skills as a conscious creator. He teaches you how to CHANGE your circumstances much more RAPIDLY than you ever dreamed possible! Read much more in this incredible book!

Your satisfaction is absolutely assured through my no risk, 100%, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

If for any reason, you aren?t completely satisfied, just contact me within 8 weeks and I?ll refund 100% of your purchase price!

Please remember that this book is for those who know that they are much more than seen in this physical dimension. Satisfy your curiosity without risk. You have the opportunity to:

Try it out for 8 full weeks ? risk free. Your transaction is secure and safe, and the download process is simple. Try it today, even if this is your first Ebook. If you need help downloading, just email me or call me after purchase and I will help!

If this book doesn?t give you solid, practical information to increase success in every area of your life, then you get? Read?more?


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